February 28, 2009
So much for an "Awesome day"
February 27, 2009
February 26, 2009
February 25, 2009
Telah Dimarahi! =(
Saya Ada Demam =(
February 24, 2009
Saje.(Random post)
February 23, 2009
Too much of Laziness
February 20, 2009
Saje post.
February 19, 2009
What I need?
I need to sleep.
I need to start studying.
I need to cut down the time to go online. *as you can see right now*
I need to pass each and every subjects.
I need to release stress!
I need to finish all my homeworks.
I need to but chemistry n history reference book.
I need help in Biology, Chemistry, Add. Maths and History.
I need to stop complaining!
I need to stop lazying aroung even if i have tons of homeworks.
I need to abandon this blog for 2 weeks!* due to exams*
I need to stop feeling nervous!
I need to save more money!
I need stay at home more than i go out! *unless its anything about God lah*
I need to stop day-dreaming!
I need to eat less. hahah.
I need to stop buying mags!
I need time to think?
I need my DADDY!
February 14, 2009
I'll be celebrating SAD!
Single Awareness Day.
But of cuz, i'll be celebrating with God lah!.. Don't forget that He 1st love us that he send his one and only Son to die on the cross for all of US! Valentines is all about love mer, rite? Put God first!! Date him first then only go out with your loved ones.. alright?? hahah..
ShirHoay wishes all of you and all the loves out thr,
February 12, 2009
February 11, 2009
February 10, 2009
I just loves 'anyaman'
Just tell me that im a bad photographer!
My Cousin sister.. hahah.. she'll do all her 'EEEEsss' when you ask her to smile =D
I dont think i remember what she's was doing when took it.