February 19, 2009

What I need?

I need to sleep.

I need to start studying.

I need to cut down the time to go online. *as you can see right now*

I need to pass each and every subjects.

I need to release stress!

I need to finish all my homeworks.

I need to but chemistry n history reference book.

I need help in Biology, Chemistry, Add. Maths and History.

I need to stop complaining!

I need to stop lazying aroung even if i have tons of homeworks.

I need to abandon this blog for 2 weeks!* due to exams*

I need to stop feeling nervous!

I need to save more money!

I need stay at home more than i go out! *unless its anything about God lah*

I need to stop day-dreaming!

I need to eat less. hahah.

I need to stop buying mags!

I need time to think?

I need my DADDY!

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