June 29, 2009


Just wanted to update you people larh, okay? Anyway, let's start on sat okie? Remember the KK Day I've told you before? Yeah, Although my group didn't win, but we all did have fun. All the shouting and screaming part and kin-cheong-ing..HaHaHa.. Yeah, they all got nervous breakdown. But not me, cus I have my own plannings already mer, remember? lol KK Day was fun larh, as a conclusion. Loads of activities and all. Then, have to rush home to bath and all, take-a-break sikit le and then rush to Hunza for practise. Someone scratched my hand during games! =( One long red line okay! and It's very obvious! After the skit, went downstairs to studio to witness the Jenga competition and of cus usher's meeting. As usual, IGNITE service followed by supper lur..
Sunday pulak, attended 2nd service at Macalister Road, went for lunch at Subway! hehehe! awesome sandwiches=bloated stomach. Manatau, my dad sak me to follow him for lunch when I got home. You know how full I was? some more ask me to kongsi with him. He ordered like the whole table also filled with foods. Gosh! Know you know how crazy my dad is. HeHe. Then 7.30pm like that, went Ananda with Church people. Followed by Starbucks, Island Plaza for some fellowship-ing thing. Thanks to Mabel's Java Chips, I couldn't sleep at night. *went fishing this morning.. :P* =( Overall, It was an awesome night out.
And then later, Im going Hunza for the Rehearsal thing. Promise my friend to follow along. So yeah.. Okay ler.. Lazy to update and type all those long long story ade. Need to charge my battery already..Lol. Bye bye! See ya, for those who is coming tonight larh. =)

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