July 20, 2009

Requested Survey II

Based on the response, requests by readers,

*and of cause to keep my bloggie alive*

I'd decided to do another survey.

Erm.. yeah.. Any problem? lol

This time, all contestants are girls. Not guys anymore.

I shall get moving by introducing you to the first contestant.

Aite? So may I present you our first contestant,

No.1-Ang Hui May.

To May, "hah! I told you I dare. since you kind of requested for it too.
And thanks to your blog where I get your picture. Nyek nyek!"

Contestant No.2-Avril Lavigne

I know some of you might not like her or heard lots of comments about her,
still, I used to love her okay?

Contestant No.3-Miley Cyrus

And yes, she is hawt!

Contestant No.4-Taylor Swift

Just so you know, I started listening to her songs since it were out loong time ago. Not when her song's are the latest hits. And of cause I love her songs!! *screams*

Last and for all, Contestant No.5- Hayden Panettiere.

Erm I don't know what to say about her. Besides telling you that she acts in Heroes.
And a lot of movies also le.

So yeah. That's all le.
Basically, all of them are those that I used to like/ still liking or who I think is hawt.
Actually, there is a lot more that I wanted to post up.
But I Just cannot remember their names,
Sorry! lol
Next time then, okay?

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