March 25, 2009


Firstly, I didn't fail my Add Maths. too!
woo hoo!... =) err.. sill i got
But i passed! nyek nyek.
I went to midlands with my cousin brother today.
the reason is to go Popular as they are having a clearance sale.
Believe me, it was so packed!
And the line is soooo looong..*from one end to the other*
We were so lazy to line up that we just headed home.
=.= *after half an hour to find a parking*
I bought a pair of flip-flops and a piece of cake(Opera) at Bread History.
Ermmm don't ask me how was the cake.
It's still in my fridge. =)
That's all for today and off I go!
Got loads of homework to finish and a music lesson to attend later.
GBU! =)

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